Having pests in your home can make you desperate to find a solution. Hiring a professional exterminator to get rid of a pest infestation is the right thing to do. However, don’t just hire the first Orlando pest control company out of desperation. You need to hire the right professionals to get the job done. Unsure of what you need to ask or check? Here are some questions to help you decide if your pest control company is the right one for you.

How much experience and training do your technicians possess?

Asking this question is important because it can put you at ease knowing that knowledgeable professionals are handling the job. Furthermore, pests come in many shapes and forms. While some are common, others are not. Therefore, it is very important that the pest control company has technicians with the necessary skills and abilities to take care of the job.

Are you able to provide testimonials or reviews?

This question will give you a chance to see the company’s reputation. Any good pest control company should have reviews and testimonials available for you to see. Or, at the very least, they should be able to point you to where you can find them.

A business that has been operating for a while should have them posted on their website. Go to the Better Business Bureau as well as the local chamber of commerce. After all, you want to see a positive reputation before allowing anyone into your home to fumigate.

Can you tell me the source of the infestation?

This question serves two purposes. One, to test the competency of the pest controller before hiring them, and two, so you can have an idea of where the issue in your home is.

A good exterminator should be able to tell you things like where rodents would hide, how termites multiply and what attracts cockroaches. If they are unable to answer these questions, then that is a good indicator that they are not very knowledgeable.

Are your methods dangerous for children and pets?

Before hiring any pest controller, it is very important to know if their products will be harmful to you and your family. Making sure your family is safe is just as important as getting rid of the pests. Ask if you need to leave your home for a few days and arrange for another place to stay in advance.

Will your treatments prevent future infestations?

Before hiring a pest control company, you want to know if the treatment you are paying for is a long-term investment. You want to ensure that the company you select will take the steps necessary to prevent future issues from occurring. Don’t hire a company that is only interested in making money off you.


Finding a pest control company does not have to be difficult. By asking the right questions, you will feel comfortable knowing that your pest issues will be taken care of. Another great idea would be to ask around your neighborhood to find out which reputable exterminators your neighbors prefer to use.