Palm Care
A staple in our beautiful Florida landscapes is the Palm Tree. They add considerable curb appeal and value to your home and landscape when maintained properly.
Service is specific to Medjool, Sylvester, Canary Island, Zahidi, Bismarck and Reclinata Palms.
Feed and Protect
Quarterly visits include a granular fertilization to enhance color and growth.
A drench to the crown is also performed to protect the palm and prevent an infestation of Palm Weevils and Bud Rot.

Expert Palm Care

Palm Weevils
Palmetto Weevils typically attack wounded or stressed palm trees. However, they have been known to infest Canary Island Date and Bismarck palms to name a few.
The weevil uses its snout to prepare holes in the base of the frond in which eggs are Laid. After the egg hatches and molts into the pupal stage, which looks like a grub, it then starts to feed on the palm tissue from the inside. The destruction of the fronds, both young and old, leads to the irreversible decline and death of the palm.
Palm Weevils cannot be treated once they have infested the palm. In most cases of infestation the palm will die and need to be replaced. A preventative treatment is the only means of protection.
We Service These Species of Palms:
Canary Island